Welcome to 850 Cigar Lounge, a premier destination for cigar aficionados and new-comers founded in 2023 in the picturesque town of Havana, FL.
With a deep-rooted passion for cigars and an unwavering commitment to providing an exceptional experience, the lounge set out to create a haven where people could gather, unwind, and indulge in the finest tobacco creations.
We curate a diverse range of cigars sourced from renowned regions worldwide, ensuring that every palate is catered to. From cigars inspired by Cuban classics to sought-after Dominican and Nicaraguan blends, each cigar in our collection represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and flavor.
Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer, we are passionate about sharing our expertise and helping you discover your perfect smoke. From cutting and lighting to pairing recommendations, we are committed to enhancing your enjoyment at every step.